Keycloak docker KC_ variables ignored?

I have been using the `` with docker compose and JHipster. Now, JHipster application exposes UI to 8080, keycloak also exposes to 8080, so we map it to another port, say 9080. JHipster app talks to the keycloak via service name and port, like so: keycloak:8080, and all works fine until you try to login,…

Docker image layers

Docker images are layer based – layer based architecture. Each step (instruction) from a Dockerfile creates a layer. These layers are cached and reused next time the image is built. Lets see one Docker file for a node.js app: Now, imagine we change the content of the app folder and then we rebuild the image….

Multi-stage docker images

When working with docker images, it would be a good idea to keep the final image (especially for production) as small as possible. Usually, when building apps, there are a lot of extra stuff included that are really not necessary for the final image. This can be most obvious with Spring Boot applications, where build…

Docker volume on host machine – write access and shared permissions

Using docker for running all kinds of reports (reporting applications, such as performance tests or penetration tests etc.) in the CI is a common practice. However, sometimes you’d have to cleanup the report directory in order to create a new one. When running applications inside a docker, usually they will run as root and files…

Run WordPress inside Docker?

By using docker-compose, you can run WordPress site with one command. TLDR: docker-compose.yaml: Running $ docker-compose up -d View site URL: Stopping $ docker-compose down

Docker – Copy file from container to host directory

Ok, so here is one very common question. How do I copy file from a docker image instance (container) to a host file system? Why? One common scenario would be, for example, running a continuous integration server and running Cucumber tests. Once you generate the HTML report, you’d like to copy the file to host…

Run SpringBoot application in Docker image

This is a short recipe on how to run your spring boot application within a docker image. The idea comes from John Thompson’s docker for java developer course, so be sure to check it out here What do we want to accomplish? Create a fat (uber) jar of our application Create a Docker file…

MySQL on Docker

This is a short recipe for starting the MySQL on Docker. I have Windows 10 machine now and run Docker natively (no Linux VM). Run the following command: –name: give it whatever you want -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes: allow empty root password -v C:/DockerContainersData/mysql:/var/lib/mysql: to keep the data persistent, this says store the mysql data in this…