Remote debugging Spring Boot App

I have an application running on a remote server and I need to debug it. Don’t worry, server is firewall-ed and access is strictly controlled. What we want to achieve is to run the spring boot application in debug mode. We need to tell the VM to run in debug, how we will connect to…

Run SpringBoot application in Docker image

This is a short recipe on how to run your spring boot application within a docker image. The idea comes from John Thompson’s docker for java developer course, so be sure to check it out here What do we want to accomplish? Create a fat (uber) jar of our application Create a Docker file…

MySQL on Docker

This is a short recipe for starting the MySQL on Docker. I have Windows 10 machine now and run Docker natively (no Linux VM). Run the following command: –name: give it whatever you want -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes: allow empty root password -v C:/DockerContainersData/mysql:/var/lib/mysql: to keep the data persistent, this says store the mysql data in this…

Spring Boot?

While we can talk a lot about Spring Boot’s opinionated views and it’s auto-configuration classes…. “A picture is worth a thousand words.” I found pretty much the best explanation there is, purely by accident. I am stealing the image and putting the source link below 😉

Spring properties

There are a lot of tutorials and examples on how to use spring properties, be it a .properties or .yaml file. Here, we will take a look at most common scenarios. Lets see how we can: Inject a property value into a field, using @Value annotation Use a property value inside annotation Have a list…